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Tyler Berbert
A way to reach consensus in a group quickly with AI summarization
Fast consensus with AI
Tyler Berbert
Talk Shop is a way to chat with like-minded people. It collects minimal information - only your email address and your interests - and matches you in conversations with people who share those interests. AI conversation prompts help break the ice.
Talk Shop
Talk Shop
Chat with like-minded people and AI conversation prompts
Tyler Berbert
Graphting is an online space for sound information. With AI generating high volumes of information every day of questionable accuracy and fidelity, Graphting offers a human-centric alternative for aggregating the best content about any topic.
Information for humans
Tyler Berbert
Navigate Wikipedia in a 3D graph view. Discover new connections between articles based on how others have browsed Wikipedia in the past.
Browse Wikipedia in 3D by common connections
Tyler Berbert
Protecc is a simple 2D game in the tradition of Missile Command that works on both desktop and mobile browsers. It was built with Paper.js and Netlify. Try it out at
A minimalist, mobile-friendly, Missile Command-like game
Tyler Berbert
Whiteborb is a shared online drawing surface. It's free to use and open source. It also doesn't require signup and works well on mobile devices. Give it a try! 🖌️
A free mobile-friendly shared whiteboard