Victor Paraschiv

Victor Paraschiv

Engineer, scientists, creator.
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Victor Paraschiv
Victor Paraschiv
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Congrats on the launch! Veed is getting better and better.
VEED Captions App
The simplest way to create engaging short-form videos.
Victor Paraschiv
Herbie is an AI agent that executes complex tasks directly from your email. We've tuned Herbie for content marketers, unleashing a new generation of AI that carries out full end-to-end work following your statement of work.
Herbie by broadn
Herbie by broadn
You provide instructions, our AI gets your work done
Victor Paraschiv
Victor Paraschiv
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Less fluff more substance. I like it!
AI Summarized News
AI Summarized News
Live news summaries, powered by AI
Victor Paraschiv
Lenny’s Podcast Search is a semantic search engine on top of Lenny’s podcast. You can use it to search through Lenny’s content for topics of interest and find key ideas and opinions on these topics from Lenny and his guests. From the team
Lenny’s Podcast Search
The smart search engine for Lenny’s Podcast