Viet York

Viet York

good looking if u don't look at me
25 points
CanvaLectronMolly Holzschlag Archives
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Viet York
LECTRON is a robust cloud for game servers running on both Linux and Windows operating systems, designed to fend off any type of attacks on your game server, such as FiveM, Minecraft, etc.... It sits in front of your game server, with global anycast routing.
LECTRON: DDoS Defense for Game Servers
LECTRON: DDoS Defense for Game Servers
Simplified anycast protection for less than $100 / month
Viet York
Molly Holzschlag, affectionately known as the fairy godmother of the internet, left an indelible mark on the digital world. Her passing in September 2023 was not just the loss of a visionary; it was the closing of a chapter in the evolution of the internet.
Molly Holzschlag Archives
Molly Holzschlag Archives
Molly Holzschlag's blog posts from May 2002 to Sept 2011
Viet York
Lectron protects your server from DDoS attacks…then supercharges it to improve its network speed.

TCP & UDP compatible. Layer 3, Layer 4, Layer 7 protectioin

200+ global anycast PoPs

Layer 7 for popular game servers such as FiveM, Minecraft, etc...
Anycast DDoS Protection for the Metaverse and Game Servers
Viet York

Sharebold is aiming to be the best way for agencies to manage social media for multiple clients.

- Idea generations

- Editing using DesignBold editor

- Post & Schedule

- Insights & Analytics

- Collaboration

- Clients & projects management

A simple social media management tools for agencies
Viet York
AI Plays Flappy Bird
AI Plays Flappy Bird
AI Using evolutional neural network to play Flappy Bird
Viet York
Collect, post & forward complaints against United Airlines
Viet York
Viet York
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Exciting! Can you build a chat bot like Microsoft's Zo?
Chatbot Mafia ☠️
Chatbot Mafia ☠️
On-demand chatbot services you can't refuse.