Vikrant Fernandes

Vikrant Fernandes

Founding engineer @PhysiqueAI
16 points
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Vikrant Fernandes
Get safer and more effective workouts at home with 1:1 voice feedback to improve your posture and encouragement to push you further.
Counts reps as you do them ⏱️
Instant suggestions on improving posture 🗨️
Cheers you throughout your training session 🗣️
Physique AI (Android & iOS)
AI-powered 1:1 posture correction to improve home workouts
Vikrant Fernandes
Get safer and more effective workouts at home with, 1:1 voice feedback to improve your posture and encouragement to push you further.
→ Counts reps as you do them
→ Instant suggestions on improving posture
→ Cheers you throughout your training session
Physique AI Beta (Android & iOS)
1:1 AI-powered voice assistants to improve home workouts