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Vinit Shahdeo
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EasySource 2.0 is indeed a game-changer for recruiters and hiring managers. Kudos to @shreya_meduri and the team at HireQuotient for their impressive work. 👏 🎉
Easy Source 2.0
Chrome Extension that's set to transform your LinkedIn

Generate a badge that can be easily added in READMEs on GitHub or any other webpage.
You can style your profile README with the badge to connect seamlessly with your mentees in the open-source community. Readme Badge Generator
Get a markdown badge for your profile

Vinit Shahdeo
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👋 Hello Hunters,
I am very excited to share my latest open-source project created during Hacktoberfest’22 which allows you to style your GitHub READMEs with an awesome badge.
🚀 What is Topmate README Badge Generator?
It's a small tool that generates markdown & HTML syntax for the profile badge which can easily be included in GitHub READMEs or any other web page.
⚒️ How do I... Readme Badge Generator
Get a markdown badge for your profile

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