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Vit Aliy
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Awesome product! Have been using for a year, easy to understand, great UI, and development is fast!
Integrately (Zapier Alternative)
8 million+ ready automations for 500+ apps

Vit Aliy
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Awesome product that saves time and money for our business. Highly recommend grabbing the deal that will benefit anyone:a business, freelancer, marker or even someone who wants to to find out business ideas to pursue. Congrats Malcom on a great product!
Biz ideas + content in under 60 seconds with AI

Vit Aliy
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A must have tool for any e-commerce store owner. Works flawlessly and saved us tons of time. Easy to use and intuitive. Looking forward to more updates!
Remove backgrounds fast & easily with just a few clicks.

Vit Aliy
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Flexible product with tons of features being added rapidly. Team is responsive to feedback and suggestions. Infinity became a central hub for all of our businesses and its processes. We do hiring, stock inventory management, client collaboration, social media marketing planning and much more all in one spot - Infinity. Best investment ever. Highly recommended!

Organize everything in one place.

Vit Aliy
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Great UI! Forms are easy to create. The storage limit is on a low end, but hopefully will be increased as company grows. I am also excited for video question module. Good job team!

AidaForm - Instagram Bio Links and Forms
Create online surveys, polls, web forms, Instagram bio links

Vit Aliy
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What a great app, an excellent tool for my e-commerce business. Glorify just a pure joy for us Amazon/Shopify sellers. Background removal works flawlessly and we no longer have to pay anyone to do it for us in Photoshop. Design templates are high quality, professional and unique. Roadmap looks "delicious" and can't wait what Glorify team brings to us in the future. So far this is #1 product for...
Create beautiful product images in a few clicks

Vit Aliy
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All in one email marketing tool and many more: live chat, emails, bots, meetings, knowledgebase, anything your business needs Gist will provide. Love the new rebranding as well!
Currently to make a tool perfect I would need visual builder for bots, for emails, and include visual builder for workflow for standard plans as well. Also it would be an ultimate tool if we could start...
Gist Platform
Live chat, bots & marketing automation -- free.

Vit Aliy
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The team behind CS is awesome. Great support and innovative.
Pros: Great interface, all the tools we need for SMM agency (posting, curration, managing)
Cons: None so far
ContentStudio 2.0
The command center for your content and social team 🚩

Vit Aliy
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HippoVideo is an awesome tool that replaced Loom in our organization. It offers tons of integrations, we, in particular, love instant upload to Google drive and Youtube, and fascinated by Gmail integration.
Pros: Tons of features compared to competitors, innovative team, superb support.
Cons: Can be slow in processing video. Please bring 4k videos.
Hippo Video
DIY video personalization platform for marketing and sales