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Vitalii Dodonov
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As a Software Developer, I lose track of time all the time. You get in flow, forget the time, and that's that.
Oftentimes, you get stuck and follow a lead that leads nowhere - a rabbit hole, falling behind on other work you haven't started.
I always struggled with conventional timers because they are loud and needy - you need to manually restart it every time... pull your phone out of you...
Time Intervals
Operate at your peak efficiency with a self-restarting timer
Elon Musk runs his day in 5-minute intervals. He can accomplish a lot throughout the day by capping his time to a fixed interval. Time Intervals will buzz every X minutes to help you steer clear of rabbit holes, reminding you that it's time to move on.
Time Intervals
Operate at your peak efficiency with a self-restarting timer