Vlad Grama

Vlad Grama

Invincible under the sun
6 points
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Vlad Grama
An active and manually curated list of free tools for product people. The Lister is created and managed by Vlad Grama, a digital product designer based in Romania. The tools posted are actively used, or used in the past.
A curated list of free tools for product people
Vlad Grama
Vlad Grama
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The experience.
Sunny Kumar
What do you think is the most important factor in the success of a product?
Vlad Grama
Vlad Grama
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Ofuro Looks beautiful! Bring it to Android too! @hitomi_abiko1
Explore Japan's onsen, hot springs, and local baths
Vlad Grama
Vlad Grama
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Should an architect know how buildings are built?
Julia Prus
Should designers learn code basics 🤔?