UPD' 2019: RealtimeBoard is now called Miro.

UPD' 2019: RealtimeBoard is now called Miro.
A whiteboarding platform for distributed product teams with a growing set of add-ons. Customize it to various use cases (from Agile to UX) and make it a part of a seamless workflow with the most popular tech tools.

Focused is the new browser tab page that helps you stay focused, inspired and productive.
Keep everything necessary in front of your eyes using simple notes, checklists, images, bookmarks.
Your ideas, notes & plans will be kept safely in each new browser tab – just open it. And, of course, you can share your boards with your team in a few clicks.

Everypixel finds the best photos to help creative people save time, money and nerves. It is a powerful search engine that indexes 51 paid and free stock image websites, and allows users to search through a massive database of stock photos in seconds.