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Designing Data-Intensive Applications
Big ideas behind reliable, scalable and maintainable systems

The Good Soldier Svejk
Jaroslav Hašek's black satire, the inspiration for such work

Samsung s7 edge - Injustice edition
Injustice Rising Soon

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Awesome. Android support?

App Review Monitor
App Store reviews delivered to Slack and your inbox

One of the seminal works of fiction by Franz Kafka

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A fantastic beginner book on Terrace Gardening by my sister :) (Writing this while I enjoy a great homegrown vegetable salad)

Terrace Gardening 101
Planting and landscaping guide for amateur terrace gardeners

Terrace Gardening 101
Planting and landscaping guide for amateur terrace gardeners

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Fantastic book on what we should be considering the real treasures in our lives are. This book seeks ,Paraphrasing Kurt Vonnegut, "to poison our minds with a little humanity."

True measures of money, business, and life

And Then There Were None
An Agatha Christie Masterpiece on which the TV show is based

Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine learning overview for beginners

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Great book.
Advance Praise for Conquering the Chaos: (Per Amazon)
Bill Gates, Chairman and cofounder, Microsoft—
“Ravi Venkatesan’s clear and candid look at doing business in India should be on the reading list of any business leader who wants to better understand India and other emerging markets. Conquering the Chaos is insightful and thoroughly readable.”
Dominic Barton, Managing...

Conquering the Chaos: Win in India, Win Everywhere
Expert advice on the unique challenges of the Indian market

Conquering the Chaos: Win in India, Win Everywhere
Expert advice on the unique challenges of the Indian market

Computer Networks
Ideal introduction to the networking field

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Fun fact -- The intricate design on the cover is a mobile sculpture called Big Red (1959) by Alexander Calder, which can be found at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City.

Introduction to Algorithms
Broad span of algorithms, covered in clear depth

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One of my favourite books on Algorithms (along with Cormen et. all), particularly for Graph Theory

The Algorithm Design Manual
Learn about designing and analyzing algorithms

The Algorithm Design Manual
Learn about designing and analyzing algorithms

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100% huzzah!
Frozen Products
Quick test to see how well you know popular digital products

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Hand-glove moment for Ebay and Shyp

eBay + Shyp
The easiest way to ship what you sell on eBay