

AI Product and Solutions
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Convert data from semi-structured and unstructured documents into usable, structured formats.Enable faster and more accurate processing of documents across use cases (Listed at the end!) with organized data that is optimized for downstream processes.
Intelligent Document Processing Solution
Process any document type through intelligent extraction
Our automated on-model fashion imagery solution helps retailers improve engagement and conversions on their eCommerce site at one-fourth the cost and five times the speed of traditional photoshoots.
Ai Product Photography
AI-powered fashion imagery for diverse applications
Vue.Ai’s styling recommendations help identify outfits for any product that a shopper is viewing. These outfits can be built from scratch by AI or can be curated based on how it has been styled in the product photo.
Outfits AI Recommendations
Personalized Ai Outfits Recommendation Solution
Vue.Ai’s personalization platform uses AI to build shopper profiles for each shopper which are then mapped to detailed catalog data to surface the most relevant products throughout the shopper journey.
Personalization Platform
Personalization Platform
Personalize eCommerce experiences for every shopper with AI
The Intelligent Document Processing solution uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and machine learning tools to identify, label, and extract relevant data from any input document.
Intelligent Document Processing
Process any document type through intelligent extraction
Vue.Ai’s product tagging solution, VueTag, helps eCommerce retailers create detailed tags and product metadata in a matter of minutes - saving a lot of the time and cost involved in manual labour.
Product Tagging
Product Tagging
Automated product tagging for ecommerce
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Hi, How does personalized search help ecommerce industry?
Personalized Search
Personalized Search’s AI-powered personalized search solution
Vue.Ai’s personalized search solution enhances product data to ensure greater catalogue coverage and more accurate results. Retailers saw an 80% increase in conversion rate for users interacting with
Personalized Search
Personalized Search’s AI-powered personalized search solution
Grow eCommerce revenue with virtual dressing rooms Virtual dressing room by VueModel allows shoppers to visualize and style products on relatable models of various shapes, sizes, ethnicities in real time.
virtual dressing room
virtual dressing room
Make your eCommerce site come alive with a dressing room
Vue.Ai’s product recommendation engine tracks website shoppers' behaviour based on their user behaviour. We tracked their historical and live data and based on that we provide product recommendations to them
Product recommendation engine
Product recommendation engine
personalized product recommendation Engine
Personalize eCommerce experiences for every shopper with A.I.'s personalization engine helps retailers grow revenue multi-fold with the power of A.I. that constantly learns and re-learns customer behavior as it relates to their business needs.
Personalization Engine
Personalization Engine
AI Powered Personalization Engine