Slavko Nahnybida

Slavko Nahnybida

Senior PR-Manager in Avivi Company
All activity
Slavko Nahnybida

Total estimated time

- Total logged time

- Number of participants

- Number of tasks

- Involvement by department

- Efficiency based on estimated and logged time

2. By manager responsible.

- Employees

- Departments

- Efficiency of time planning


- English

- German

- Polish

- Russian

Time and Project Reports
Time and Project Reports
An app for time control and statistics
Slavko Nahnybida

TimeDoctor Integration is the first one of Bitrix24 with Time Doctor, which solves one of the main problems — duplication of a large number of actions when working in parallel with two programs. This includes the creation and updating of tasks, the beginning and end of time tracking, which forced users to rush between the windows of both programs.

TimeDoctor Integration
TimeDoctor Integration
APP for easy time tracking in TimeDoctor from Bitrix24