Waqas Ali

Waqas Ali

making a shoe that’d fit 👉🏻atoms.com
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Waqas Ali
Inspired by the clouds swirling above Atoms Brooklyn Navy Yard office, the limited edition Tie-Dye Blue is the first Atoms shoe to use a sublimation technique for the tie-dye print. Text ATOMS to (917) 540-8458 to cop a limited edition pair & matching mask.
Atoms in Tie Dye Blue
Atoms in Tie Dye Blue
A limited edition drop from Atoms
Waqas Ali
A large-format annual literary magazine dedicated to commissioning and publishing diverse global writing next to extraordinary art, design and photography, with an editorial remit to be creatively groundbreaking. Ten issues only, with a limited print run.
INQUE Magazine (annual)
INQUE Magazine (annual)
dedicated to diverse global writing and extraordinary art
Waqas Ali
Comfortable non-medical mask lined with anti-microbial copper yarn, hand washable up to 30 times (then behaves like a cotton mask). Atoms is using its product/materials expertise to make and sell these masks at cost, and donating 1 for every order.
Atoms Mask
Atoms Mask
Hand-washable mask for comfortable everyday wear, at cost
Waqas Ali

Talk to Books is Google's latest experiment that uses AI to talk to books and test word association skills.

Talk to Books by Google
Talk to Books by Google
Browse passages from books using experimental AI
Waqas Ali
Markhor Apple Accessories
Beautifully Handcrafted MacBook Sleeve and MacPad
Waqas Ali
Writing worth listening to from top publications
Waqas Ali
Union of Type Foundries
Waqas Ali
The Talks
The Talks
An online interview magazine featuring the creative voices