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I use this application from the beginning of the release. Already more than 10 projects on 3D printing have been implemented using this scan. I had previously refused such projects because it was impossible to measure complex geometry with the means at hand. I was waiting for the appearance of 3D software for FACE ID. And waited !!! future projects will be even more interesting!
Scandy Pro
Full-color 3D scanning on your iPhone X (and up)

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I have question !!! It’s very important for me. I think, that ScandyPro can scan little objects , if we use some other stuff like linses. Is it true and can u think about this proublem? For example I need real angles on gears. And now I can’t to scan little gears. But if u make this idea to life... it’s will be greate. Mb use 3D printer and linses from Ali ))). I try it by my self with home...
Scandy Pro
Full-color 3D scanning on your iPhone X (and up)

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I use this app for my work. I like to 3D print some stuff. And it’s very helpful use fast 3Dscanning in my phone.
Pros: dont know what to write here :)
Cons: dont know what to write here :)
Scandy Pro
Full-color 3D scanning on your iPhone X (and up)