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Wyatt Benno
Kinic is the world's first web3 specific search engine. We use advanced semantic and contextual methods to surface app frontends that are built on blockchain. We then allow you to use text or categories to query and discover web3 dApps.
Discover what's being made on web3 with Kinic search
Wyatt Benno
Airpanel is a virtual events platform that combines video keynotes 📹 w/ audio-first 👂 breakout sessions for longer-lasting, more authentic convos. ✨
Host events like conferences, fairs, and hackathons and interact with others using voice instead of video.
Host audio-first virtual events, like Clubhouse
Wyatt Benno
Wyatt Benno
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So, when is the app out for IOS?
Email at its worst, by Thinko
Wyatt Benno
After weeks of social distancing we have grown tired of using conference apps, for remote get togethers. So we decided to repurpose our virtual office space into a virtual party room. With MDPy you can chat, speak, and video party together like never before.
My Digital Party
My Digital Party
An interactive virtual space to have parties.
Wyatt Benno
MDO is a virtual office for distributed teams.
After working remotely for years, I have grown tired of green status circles. Is your team there or did leave their computer on and go to lunch? MDO is a new way to see status.
Try it with your team!
My Digital Office
My Digital Office
A virtual office for distributed teams.
Wyatt Benno
Wyatt Benno
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Anyone learning Japanese? :)
Learn Japanese by reading it.
Wyatt Benno
ReadNihon is a Japanese e-reader with a focus on gathering vocabulary, Kanji, or grammar to study later.
Learn Japanese by reading it.