Xalo Roubin

Xalo Roubin

12 points
All activity
Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
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How to earn Gemologist badge?

Hello Hunters, I just curios How to earn Gemologist badge? :)) As a curios person, what is the conditions for that badge? Let me dive into Dark Jungle :))
Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
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Congratulations, wish you success
Mahsum Akbaş
Testpine is going to launch soon.
Mahsum Akbaş
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Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
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It is better searching through community.
Senior-level technical expertise, is it needed?
Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
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Follow answers!
Developer X
What is conditions of "Contributor" and "Thought Leader" badges?
Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
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Congratulations. As a newbie, I have similar targets. Let's build together.
Mahsum Akbaş
100+ streak and 100+ followers. Urraa! what is your?
Mahsum Akbaş
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Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
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For technical apps, use Linkedin and Github but if it is more general, use gmail and e-mail.
Which type of login method do you prefer for your app?
Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
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I use for official messages and some content writing.
How do you integrate AI tools in your day-to-day work tasks or processes?
Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
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Mostly electronic. Easier access, cheaper and portability.
Ghost Kitty
Do you read paper books? Or switched to electronic?
Xalo Roubin
Xalo Roubin
started a discussion

Tips and suggestions for newbie member!

Hello great PHers. I just joined PH and I'd like to hear tips and suggestions from you to get more familiar and use effective. Have a great weekend.