Xiaoqi Chu

Xiaoqi Chu

I build tech product and tech team
25 points


A buggy product brings frustration, As an engineer, I work diligently to ensure technical perfection. I feel anxious when can't see my personal growth, As a manager, I build tech teams that will flourish. I know there are a lot of disappointments in the world because I felt it. I want to build the world better so no one else will feel it. Now, we are building Nas.io We will help you bring people together and build a community that will glow. Are you interested to create a better experience for your community? Connect with me and let's talk more!


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Nas.io
    The platform for creators to build private communities
    Feb 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntJanuary 28th, 2023