Ismael Miñano

Ismael Miñano

Creating digital products and more.
390 points
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Ismael Miñano
Say goodbye to the frustration of writing complex SQL queries! Simply import your database structure and type out your desired query in a user-friendly interface. The ultimate tool for database professionals!
Database Sensei
Database Sensei
Generate arduous database queries in a snap
Ismael Miñano
Get hired or directly hire the best Laravel developers. Laradir allows developers to have their public profile (for free) and listen to job offers, enabling companies to browse directly between candidates who match the profile they are looking for.
Simplifying job search for Laravel developers
Ismael Miñano
A minimalist tool to collect links and Twitter Bookmarks.

Categorise them using our AI generated tags or add your own. Come back at any time to retrieve your content with our search engine.

Store and recover knowledge for years in an organised way.
A minimalist tool to collect links and Twitter bookmarks
Ismael Miñano

Google Marketing Platform brings together DoubleClick Digital Marketing and the Google Analytics 360 Suite to help you plan, buy, measure and optimize digital media and customer experiences in one place.

Google Marketing Platform
Google Marketing Platform
A unified advertising and analytics platform by Google
Ismael Miñano

Measure tool for Google Earth, available on Chrome and Android (iOS coming) is one of the most requested features: the ability to measure distance and areas.

Measure Tool in Google Earth
Measure Tool in Google Earth
Measuring distance and area in Google Earth
Ismael Miñano

Google presents the new version of Gmail web with new security and intelligent features. Do more without leaving your inbox, with easy access to apps including Calendar, Tasks and Keep. Smart Reply helps you respond to messages faster.

Go into settings and select "Try new Gmail"

New Gmail
New Gmail
The new version of Gmail web
Ismael Miñano

Mailmalade 2.0 is a service for quickly build HTML emails without coding knowledge and export to your MailChimp / Campaign Monitor account, or download a .zip with all the files.

Is based on a 3-step process:

1.- Upload your design (mobile + desktop version)

2.- Crop and define sections and links.

3.- Export your email (compatible with all major email clients)

Long life to old-style emails based on a full-image layout ;)

Mailmalade 2.0
Mailmalade 2.0
Quickly build HTML emails. Mobile and Desktop version.
Ismael Miñano

Google Speed Scorecard is a tool that using benchmarking data, examine the potential effect speed has on conversion rates.

Google Speed Scorecard
Google Speed Scorecard
Calculate the potential revenue impact on faster websites
Ismael Miñano

CheckYourDesign allows designers to easily create a presentation page for their projects.

A simple service to present designs to clients
Ismael Miñano

Bulletin, from Google is an app for contributing hyperlocal stories about your community, for your community, right from your phone. Bulletin makes it effortless to put a spotlight on inspiring stories that aren’t being told.

Bulletin, from Google
Bulletin, from Google
An app for contributing hyperlocal stories
Ismael Miñano

Sharge is the result of share + charge.

It's a platform that allows electric vehicle users sharing their charging stations using blockchain technology.

Blockchain in the energy industry: charging electric cars.
Ismael Miñano

Goliath CNC is a portable robot that mills, cuts, and engraves with any materials and various CAD file formats.

Goliath CNC
Goliath CNC
The first autonomous robotic tool for Makers
Ismael Miñano
Build compatible HTML emails without coding knowledge