Yoram Harth MD

Yoram Harth MD

Yoram Harth MD
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Yoram Harth MD
Unlike common, facemasks that cause irritation, and acne breakouts, the anti-acne mask has been designed to keep your skin clear. It's natural cotton fabric, is infused with silver and copper nanoparticles that kill bacteria and reduce the risk of breakouts.
Anti-Acne Face Mask
Face mask built for COVID & Acne prevention
Yoram Harth MD
Yoram Harth MD
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Solving acne with computer vision and AI
Yoram Harth MD

MDacne is the future of acne treatment. Using MDacne, in less than 5 minutes you'll get a complete acne treatment kit personalized based on your unique skin!

Solving acne with computer vision and AI