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  • Yulia Khakimzyanova

    Yulia Khakimzyanova

    Marketeer @ Roll Role


    Imagine a world where your stories come to life effortlessly, powered by cutting-edge AI and ready to be shared across your favorite social media platforms. Welcome to Roll Role, launching soon on Producthunt. This innovative platform transforms the way you create and experience interactive content, blending storytelling, multiplayer gaming, and AI-generated assets into a seamless and engaging experience. Designed for Storytellers and Creators: Roll Role is perfect for anyone who loves crafting and sharing stories. At Roll Role, we believe in the power of stories to connect and entertain. Our mission is to make high-quality, interactive storytelling accessible to everyone with the help of AI technology. Check out and follow Roll Role https://rollrole.cc/


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    Maker History

    • Roll Role
      Roll Role
      Hands-on adventure experience in your pocket. Anytime.
      Aug 2024
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      Joined Product HuntAugust 1st, 2024