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Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
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Would you be friends with AI?

Do AI characters provide you with a feeling of companionship
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
started a discussion

What's the most practical tool for both social media marketing beginners and pros?

Save time and increase effectiveness? πŸš€
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
started a discussion

What's the most useful Notion Layout you've used?

With categories, examples, tips, or?
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
started a discussion

Any ASO specialists are there? πŸ‘‹

How do you guys use ChatGPT anyway? - Keyword research - Copywriting - Manage rating & review - Localization - ... Everyone is welcome to share their experience. ❀️
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
started a discussion

Good morning, who is launching this week? πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Looking forward to the new products.
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
left a comment
That's awesome!
Clio Image Maker
Free to use image generator powered by Stable Diffusion
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
left a comment
Cool product! Will definitely give it a try.
Free save & mint favorite tweets
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
started a discussion

Just lunched a product, and is wondering what is the best way to collecting feedback?

We just launched our new product and are looking for the best ways to collect feedback from our early users and customers. As a startup, user feedback is critical to building the right product and features. But we want to be thoughtful about how we collect and act on feedback. Some options we are considering include: 1. Email outreach 2. Interviews 3. Public roadmap with feedback option 4....
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
left a comment
Awesome! Congratulations on launching. I'll be on the lookout for it.
Marketplace to buy & sell media assets
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
started a discussion

If there were many prompt packages available here, what topics would you be most likely to pay for?

For example, creative writing, SEO, etc. Please share your thoughts. πŸ’–
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
left a comment
Congrats! That's exactly what I needed lately.
Quickly capture and share key takeaways from any meeting
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
started a discussion

Places to promote your startup? (Organic)

I'm working on launching a new product recently, but I'm confused about where I need to promote my product to get organic traffic. So I did some research and gathered some information, and here's what I found: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Trello community on slack 7. ...? Everyone is welcome to share their experience. ❀️
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
left a comment
Interesting. In an age of information overload, we must filter information well and keep the input.
Pocket 8.0
Pocket 8.0
Your own corner of the web to spend time with great articles
Janine Zaaa
Janine Zaaa
started a discussion

How many hours do you work each day?

Curious. πŸ€”