1 Week till our Launch!

Any tips, recommendation from those who launched already? Here is our page: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/gaming-industry-career-insights


Lord Brian Dean-Madanamootoo
Thanks a lot for your Feedback :)
Allison Ly
Good luck on your launch! You have our support. We're also launching in a week. Feel free to check us out! https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Divine Rivers
Good luck, we launch our marketplace for sign-ups come July 17th. Albeit not our official PH launch as that comes this Fall when the marketplace is fully functional, we are excited and taking this launch as a learning lesson for the official one. Tips would be to engage consistently on PH, add value where you can, and be active in discussions.
Henry Sipchen
Good luck! We launch tomorrow, but I’ll let you know if I pick up anything throughout the launch process!