10 tips for GitHub Pull Requests

Cédric Teyton
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Hey 👋 I wanted to list you 10 tips to know about GitHub Pull Requests ☺️ 1. A Pull Request is automatically updated 2. Assign one or more developers to review your code 3. The display can be customized 4. Comments can be added to the source code or the main thread 5. Link your Pull Request to issues 6. Pull Request and Merge Request are the same thing 7. You can close but not delete a Pull Request 8. Use third-party tools for automated checks 9. You can use GitHub to resolve conflicts 10. Don’t lose your code comments forever, make them a valuable knowledge If you want more information about each of these points, I have detailed them here : https://www.promyze.com/github-pull-request-best-practices/ Do you have any other tips about GitHub Pull Requests? 🙂
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