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  • What's the worst career decision you've made so far? What did you learn from it?

    9 replies
    What's the worst decision you've made in your career so far? Plus: What was the lesson you learned because of it? Mine: Basically, every decision which my gut-feeling didn't 100 percent agree on. For example: accepting a role which I only accepted because of a fancy job title, ...


    Julie Chabin
    My worst decision was probably accepting too much work as a freelancer and being unable to say no. It taught me the hard way that it's okay to pass on opportunities, and not all opportunities are good ones. Never believe someone who tells you that their project is going to change your career.
    @syswarren @harowitzblack oh my. Guess it's valid to say that 9 times out of 10 a "revolutionary" product is everything else than revolutionary. But at least you can do everything for exposure ... for free of course. 😂
    Joel Benjamin
    @syswarren ahahaha I did the last sentence you mentioned and worked for 3 months without getting paid for my work (same person). Dude clearly convinced me that the product was revolutionary. It was the worst decision I had made when I started freelancing.
    Julie Chabin
    @harowitzblack Ahah well, I guess we all learn that lesson the same way 😉
    Joel Benjamin
    @syswarren @keeev why exposure when you can become the "Co-Founder"? 😂
    @syswarren @harowitzblack that's even better. You can 10x your income and get rich after an IPO, all you need is patience. haha
    Curious to hear yours @keeev as the OP! Mine was not negotiating the offer I received from Amazon. It was more than what I was paid at Groupon but I still should have pushed for more as a rule of thumb.
    @abadesi oh, hope you rocked the negotiations after it? Good point, I added mine to the post. :)