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  • Share your biggest learning as an entrepreneur in one sentence

    Gaurav Shrishrimal
    6 replies
    For me it has been - Never trust a verbal or a written promise, believe only when the money is in the company's account.


    Mario Arabov
    Nice one. I would also add, never launch a product without a basic idea of the business model
    "It's a marathon not a sprint." πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ
    Sarabeth Flowers Lewis
    I really enjoy Intercom's first product principle: "Start with the problem." Been mulling over that a lot recently.
    Kavir Kaycee
    Don’t go about it only on your own without a conducive support system to help you out.
    Niko Wallner
    Pay attention to team/partners values, not only experience or skills.
    Natalie Mandriko
    Design awards don't mean that customers will love it.