15 Story Ideas that will sell your products/offers

Behind the scenes your work day. Share 3 main benefits of your product/offer. Share a MEME that you relate to your product. Have a client take over your stories for the day. Share 5 ways your customer will save money. Walk your audience through your website. Tell a story about a client and how you helped them. Introduce your offer and how they can purchase it. Share how your product will save your customer time. Overcome future objections (e.g.: price). Share your story and why you started your biz. Walk through your product or product creation. Share 3 industry myths and facts. Give. a discount code or special offer for the day. Share a social proof (video/text) from your clients.


I'm bookmarking this, it was super helpful! Coming up with ideas is always the most time consuming part of Marketing for me! Thanks Nika!
Saad Ahmad
Hey, I hope you're doing well I am thrilled to announce We launched our product today on Product Hunt. Please support us and feedback in comments.