OKAY. January is over. Have you accomplished your NY resolutions? Let's share! 👇

✅ Reached 100 subscribers on YT. ✅ Started with interviews. ✅ Finish product 2,500 Content Ideas By Industry. ❌ Wake up earlier. (I wanted at 5.30 but now I wake up according to daylight, usually at 7.00 am.) ❌ Exercise more (I wanted 2 hours, instead, I work out for about 1 hour or 1.5 hours.) ❌ Eat less sweets. ❌ Socialise more and be more with family members. More red than green. Now it is your turn. 😃


Alina Salavatova
I didn't have many plans: Start drinking more hot water. Eat less sweets. Go to bed on time and wake up at 8 AM. Launch the product - it's launching tomorrow. So, I guess you can say I did it all. I did well.
Roland Marlow
Congrats on the progress. Just curious, why exercise for 2 hours? You can have just as, if not more, effective workouts in 1 hour. I think in terms of working on, people REALLY struggle with being productive. They are on their phones between sets, looking in the mirror, day dreaming, etc. For a normal person just trying to be healthy, 45 minutes to an hour is ample time to be effective. FYI, I would call the 1-1.5 hours a success for you.
Business Marketing with Nika
@rmarlow Because I have 2 parts of workout – strength – duration about 1 hour and then yoga for flexibility approximately 30 minutes :-)
Shruti Tripathi
well to be honest with you guysss....I didn't make any resolution haha🦉 I think it's a waste of time 🥲