2022 Stack

Raitis Velps
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In our day to day lives we use tremendous amounts of different tools. Going into 2022 I have decided to take a bit more minimalistic approach to tools that I use. If it doesnt have that ⚡️sha-BANG⚡️feeling using it. Its out. My personal 2022 must haves: — Superhuman since I started using it in early December of 2021 it has changed how I approach my email. Total life changer as I can finally reach sacred inbox zero ✨ — Macbook Air M1 with its M1 chip is such a smooth experience. Apple has done some witchy witch ritual with this one. I could be on the beach and still get full day of work done with single charge. — Corebook° team. I already put my heart out with this one in my end of the year post. Check it out. Seriously. Its semi-good. — Apple Cal just gives me the one thing that is critical for me. Notifying me about upcoming meetings. Serves the purpose perfectly. Hey Superhuman, this is little nudge for you 😉 — Slack is such an amazing chat tool with all the cool integrations. Having all the spaces in one app is just life changing experience. But well … you probably already know how cool it is 😎 — Last but not least Zoom my gateway to human connection globally. The fact that I feel super confident having Zoom calls probably is gonna raise issues with networking in real life with anxiety but will see… will see 💩 Few honourable mentions: Microsoft, HelloSign, Dropbox DocSend, Notion. How does your 2022 Stack look like?
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