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  • Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 27th of April)

    Aaron O'Leary
    208 replies
    Hi Makers! This thread is dedicated to you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page First, start by helping out another maker. You can check out their launch, give their product a review or share a comment on their launch post. Once you've helped someone else out, share your product link here and BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help. 😊


    Gustavo Martucci
    Hi all, we just released a major update for Fluxo and we are looking for more users to try it - https://www.fluxo.ai Fluxo is best financial modeling software for startups & SMBs. Instead of dealing with Excel spreadsheets, it has a web app that helps you create your model much faster, integrate with your accounting software, and generate delightful reports that can be shared with your investors, lenders, or board members. You can sign up for free on our website and I can help you get started. Would love your feedback.
    Gustavo Martucci
    @stephen_wigginton Thanks for the feedback! We certainly have some work to do on the onboarding experience.
    Stephen Wigginton
    @gumartucci the product looks pretty, but the explainer video at the beginning is suuuuuuper long. Also, I quit out of the FTUX flow, but afterwards realized I don't actually know what I was doing with it. Maybe add a help somewhere?
    Benny Chan
    https://www.producthunt.com/post... AffTable is a listing of affiliate program related to SaaS. My target audience are bloggers, influencers, niche communities, podcasters. But I am not sure which type of users are interested and how can I further provide more values to them.
    Evan Moore
    @bennyychan This is a great service! Seems like a natural opportunity for a content marketing campaign or e-learning play on your side. I would love to be able to learn from your platform how to best launch a SaaS affiliate content strategy!
    Hey @bennyychan, I'm quite interested in this but I'm trying to understand how it would work for SaaS business. I checked out the LP and I'm still a bit unclear.
    Sekhar Chandra
    @bennyychan Upvoted! Great resource and congrats on launching. I think you can make your tagline a bit more appealing for your target audience by highlighting the value you are offering to them right away. And so, instead of "Find the best affiliate programs related to SaaS", you might say "A collection of affiliate programs to help you monetize your web traffic."
    Dustin Yu
    @bennyychan This is great, have you thought about listing affiliate programs for smaller tech companies (like the ones on Product Hunt)? Startups need ways to get traction, and would probably pay higher commissions (speaking for myself). These big tech companies are already rich enough lol
    Benny Chan
    @dustythecoolg Yes, I am trying to gradually include more startups. However, I have to consider whether the startup reaches PMF or not. If the conversion rate is too low, affiliates just brought the visitors to the landing page but there is no sales made. It's just wasting the time which is not good for both sides. Affiliate marketing is not for early stage startups without a clear branding.
    Evan Moore
    https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ph... PhoneTag lets you send and receive disappearing voice messages to friends with fun voice filters and effects. Currently only available on iOS and targeted towards those looking for an asynchronous way to communicate with friends that is more enjoyable, expressive, and private than SMS. Would love any and all feedback (especially constructive)!
    Andrew Tye
    @evomoore Sounds really interesting! Plenty of synchronous options right now...glad for more asynchronous
    Salil Sethi
    @evomoore Hey Evan - Pretty interesting idea. Have always wondered why is there no easy way to send asynchronous voice messages. Do you require both parties to have the app installed? Or can I record on the app, and to send just send it over email as an attachment or a link? Any limit on how long the message can be?
    Evan Moore
    @salil_sethi Hi Salil - great questions and thanks for the feedback :) currently if you send a user a message they will get an SMS telling them to download the app to listen. HOWEVER - the ability to export messages to SMS is on the roadmap and is a feature I'm very excited about. Currently the only limit on how long the message can be is how long you're willing to wait for it to post to my backend haha.
    Sekhar Chandra
    @evomoore Very unique product! Can you schedule a message for future delivery? This opens up some very interesting use cases for people. And for the constructive feedback, it might just me..but your early retro-looking UI may need some polishing. :)
    Amit Jugran
    @evomoore Looks really good Evan! Can the msgs be sent to multiple people. Will be great fun if few friends/family can create a group and exchange disappearing messages.
    Periklis Prousaloglou
    We just launched today on PH a new social media reddit alternative. We want to find a good amount of beta testers, in order to help us evaluate the overall app experience from users' point of view and of course welcome any feedback they might have, so we can bloom and improve based on that. Our launch link if you want to check it out : https://www.producthunt.com/post... Thank you !
    Andrew Tye
    @periclis just checked it out...congrats on your launch!
    Sebastian Tamayo
    @periclis Hi Periklis, very interesting idea. I don't know what you mean by central moderation, but it seems interesting. I would be happy to be a beta tester. Maybe you can also help be a better tester for my app Debt Lift. If you subscribe I can send you more details: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Dustin Yu
    @periclis there's alot of censorship these days on Reddit and the big tech firms as you seem to mention based off of no central moderation. I would emphasize alot more about what you are doing in regards to how you are solving the censorship issue (maybe a blockchain technology), etc. I think this is a very big issue and influencers are leaving YT for bitchute, FB groups are heavily censored, etc.
    Sekhar Chandra
    @periclis Interesting idea! I can see the potential for this to be big. My first thought was if you are pitching this as reddit alternative, then why isn't the content/communities/access open for an unregistered user? Is it because you are closed beta at the moment?
    Periklis Prousaloglou
    @dustythecoolg Thank you, I really appreciated the feedback. So in regards to moderation. 1)Let's assume there is a post with a 80-20 disagree-agree ratio. For starters our plan is if >50% (or a dynamically calculated value) of the communities ownership agrees, take down the post (each vote should have a solid explanation of why this post should be taken down). If this system overshadows minorities we fall back to the safer option of just marking the post as "controversial" and keeping it up and running. 2)Well someone then might think "what about the toxic communities?" Toxic communities will always exist throughout the internet. For these types of communities as long as they are self-contained no action will be taken. For all the communities an option for a disabled by default auto-moderation system (racism, violence etc) will be implemented and the user base can vote to enable it. Thank you for the feedback, we really hope to see you in Westeria! P.S If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me 😊
    Michał Jabczyk
    https://doseapp.io Dose is an app that lets you track your use of alcohol, caffeine, cannabis and other medication. It helps you build a healthy lifestyle with moderate use of various substances. My target audience is pretty much everyone who either wants to limit their drinking/smoking or just realize how much they consume/spend and take action if necessary.
    Sekhar Chandra
    @michal_jabczyk Like the product. Would you mind sharing a bit more about the iOS App Store restrictions preventing you to release this app?
    Michał Jabczyk
    @sekhar_chandra Apple didn't like that it wasn't native (it's a PWA) and includes illegal substances. I've heard it can get accepted if I changed the wording a bit, so I'll try to publish it there again soon.
    Ali Shah
    @michal_jabczyk interesting app and idea. Great for people who are looking for a path towards recovery. How do you help limit the intake though? Can users unlock a reward if they meet a goal?
    Michał Jabczyk
    @shahalica for now, there are no in-app rewards. I'm going to add "goals" that track user's progress and award them with achievements/badges.
    Mike McMillan
    https://rollcall.io RollCall is a Slack app that make's it easy to organize team standup meetings, even your team is in different places or timezones. We haven't launched yet, but any feedback on the landing page would be appreciated! We're also looking to do a free launch with a small group of early users. Let me know if you're interested!
    Andrew Tye
    @mike_mcmillan timezone management is the worst...hope the project goes well!
    Blake Burch
    @mike_mcmillan Website looks great! A few things that weren't super clear to me: - You keep emphasizing "Asyncronous (sp?) Video Meetings" while also emphasizing the trouble with scheduling across multiple time zones. Why would the latter matter if you're primarily running the meetings asynchronously? - It wasn't clear to me what system would be used for the asynchronous video recordings, especially when the bottom FAQ mentioned "Choose your own conferencing tool". - Do you facilitate non-video meetings? - How does the product differentiate itself from the established tools like Standuply and Standups.io P.S - What framework are you building the web app with? Your visuals look pretty similar to threads.com
    @mike_mcmillan Really intrigued by the idea and signed up as a beta user. I'm wondering if it can work with the site I'm creating www.teachii.com which is for teachers who want to maret their video conferencing class. Does it only work with slack?
    Mike McMillan
    @blakeburch_ Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate it. - Scheduling across timezones is the downside of the old way, the idea is that async is the new way. - I could clarify the FAQ's and increase the relevance, thanks for pointing that out. - Video, screenshare, or audio only - I've used some of the other tools out there, I found that the text updates were easier for everyone, but updates became less and less detailed over time like people were getting bored of it. My goal with RollCall is to bring teams closer together rather than adding another tool that causes more isolation. Studies show that viewers retain 95% of a video's message compared to 10% when reading text. And showing your face brings more accountability. - I built the landing with GatsbyJS. Highly recommend it. It's a static site, so it's free to host on s3, always has perfect speed/SEO scores. Looks like threads is using gatsby as well.
    Mike McMillan
    @teachii Thanks! For beta it will be Slack only. I got your beta request so I'll send you a follow up email so we can discuss.
    Andrew Tye
    I'm hoping to launch https://correl.app this week. It's something I've been using for myself for several months and want to share. There is an installable web app...but native iOS app isn't done. I'd be glad for feedback from you all if I should go ahead and launch the web app or wait until iOS is finished. Thanks!!
    Blake Burch
    @awt I love the idea of helping you identify which daily events result in better days. Will definitely check it out. I did run into an issue on Android (PWA, Chrome, and Google App) where clicking "Get Started" takes me to an error page saying "correl.app redirected you too many times". If I was in your position, I would launch with the web app, get more feedback, iterate, then post the iOS app as an entirely new thing.
    Sekhar Chandra
    @awt Interesting concept. Second Blake. Use the web app as your MVP and iterate on that you get it right.
    Andrew Tye
    @blakeburch_ thank you! really appreciate you checking it out
    Andrew Tye
    @blakeburch_ and sorry for the hassle! will fix that. if you still want to use it please try logging out at the bottom of the page and logging back in.
    Andrew Tye
    @sekhar_chandra thanks for your feedback.
    Hey guys. I developed an interactive map (still in beta) where you can check out how much time, money, and CO2 you could save using different modes of transport. Just add a few places you visit very often, for example, your office, university, coworking, children's garden, etc and the service will show you stats for a bicycle (normal and electric), car, public transport. Also, you can set parameters like fuel and electricity price, time to find a parking space and others to make stats more accurate. Feedback and ideas how can I improve it are welcome https://vekkit.com/map
    Sebastian Tamayo
    @hey_pavel Hi Pavel, this is a reallllly cool idea. Great job man! Some feedback I have is that I didn't see where I could put the start and ending locations to do the analysis. All I found was a single search box. I would recommend to do 2 text fields kinda like Google Maps does it. Maybe you can also help me with some feedback on my upcoming project Debt Lift, let me know what you think: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Nikos Melachrinos
    @hey_pavel @sebastianxtamayo yeah I'm going to second that, was confused. Look at citymapper for inspo too
    Jamie Lee
    @hey_pavel Love the idea and love how it works! It's just hard to figure out how to drop the pins and I don't know how to delete them!
    @jamiemiki many thanks for your feedback. it's not possible to delete pins (I'll add it in the next version), but you can drag them.
    Steve Connerton
    https://www.producthunt.com/post... This project is one that showcases resources for those getting started in tech, those transitioning to tech due to losing their job and anyone else looking for solid low priced, or in most cases as you will see, free tools that can help you excel and be efficient at the same time! Lastly, and importantly, this site is also dedicated to charitable resources and good causes for those that need it. So whether you want to indulge or support, this platform is for you. The beauty of this project is that this is just the beginning and the plan is to evolve from a static platform to a dynamic one. What I mean by this is that I am personally adding the products myself and will accept submissions, which I will also add myself. The end goal here is to still accept submissions, but make it more of an automated process. Additionally, I plan to tie into the Product Hunt API for pulling products of certain categories that have the most upvotes. I have big plans for this thing to grow and will be totally transparent with the platform. With time and growth, I plan to build an affiliate network for companies that want to run discount promos through the site. I will work with these affiliates to get their lowest pricing possible to put on the site. I have big plans for this one and can really make strides with your support. Thanks, Steve Connerton Catalyst Web Solutions
    João Gonzalez
    https://previewhunt.com/posts/se... [this is the PH preview post] We will launch on PH this week. =) Besides the launch, we are offering to build any API that you need, for FREE! The target audience is mostly developers, CTO's and Tech leads that work with API's every day. Feedback and API requests are welcome! www.servernope.com
    Blake Burch
    @joaogonzalez Really cool idea here to have an API marketplace. That makes it much easier to find services you can use in your own product. My only suggestion would be to have a home page (or banner) that describes what the service is and what you can do with it. I went to the site before visiting the previewhunt page and had no clue what I was looking at. It all made sense after I watched the video. You want to inform and guide people that have never used your service.
    Sebastian Tamayo
    @joaogonzalez Hi Joao, this is a great idea. Great execution. Looking forward to testing this out. Question how did you go about building so much audience prior to launching on Product Hunt?
    João Gonzalez
    @blakeburch_ Thanks for the feedback! Right now, we are landing users to the store, but we need to give them some context before, for sure, btw if you need an API for your products, don't hesitate to send the request to us! =)
    João Gonzalez
    @sebastianxtamayo Hi Sebastian, thanks very much for the feedback and support! We still growing the audience before launching on PH, essential here is what I did so far to get more feedbacks: - Post on telegram groups - Post on Reddit - Publish on directories (there is a lot of great lists here in PH) - Post on PH discussions and other communities also :) - Reach out other makers to get feedback as well I pretend to launch on PH by Thursday, wish me luck! LOL Please, feel free to test it out, and if you have any API that you want to build, let us know, we can help. =)
    Bill Dinh
    @joaogonzalez Hi, what's cloud functions and how do you sell it? Also the landing video is a bit fast to read, I couldn't keep up. Just FYI.
    Salil Sethi
    https://www.prospercircle.org/co... Hey everyone - Launched a way for people to track coronavirus stats for locations they care about. There are a lot of online dashboards, but I personally only cared about a few locations, and also wanted a way to receive the updates vs checking constantly. So created this just to scratch my own itch. Been about 2 weeks since launch and people are tracking over 1000 locations via the tool. Would love for you to share your thoughts on the tool. Suggestions to make it better, and ideas to share it with more people are always welcome.
    Salil Sethi
    @billfromberlocks Thank you. Unfortunately, they do not have an API. They upload the file each night. However, I'm supplementing their data with other public data sources.
    Bill Dinh
    @salil_sethi Cool build, didn't know John Hopkins had an api devs can call.
    Bill Dinh
    @salil_sethi Oh, I see. Thanks for building this!
    Shashkova Natalia
    Hey! We are launching our product soon, and it's not another bootcamp. I am just trying to decide which tagline (under the product name) will be better for launch. Please choose the best option. Fully supportive online bootcamp. No one's left behind. This ain't your grandpa's bootcamp. Student-focused online bootcamp for self-driven individuals. Online Bootcamp by Russian Google. Practice-oriented, job-landing online bootcamp.
    Stevie J Huh
    @shashkova_natalia i like the third one - given that it's a bootcamp, but if it's not it's a little tough to tell without more context.
    Sebastian Tamayo
    @shashkova_natalia Hi Shashkova, what do you mean by bootcamp? Fitness bootcamp? Code bootcamp?
    Bill Dinh
    @shashkova_natalia Can you says what's the idea? Hard to choose tag line without header first.
    Chloe Chia
    Name: Munch Landing Page: eatwithmunch.com Munch is an SMS texting service that allows restaurants to drive traffic almost immediately during slow hours ( 2 PM - 5 PM, Monday-Thursday) by sending flash promotion to customers. These flash promotions can only be used in a certain number of time (e.g. under 3 hours) and/or are limited by the number of people using them (e.g. only first 50 people to redeem coupon out of the thousands sent a promotion in a region get to use it). This fast-paced promotion encourages impulsive buying, which creates more revenue for restaurants during slow hours where there would be a steep decline in profits. Would love to get feedback on the idea, possible concerns, and landing page :)
    Sebastian Tamayo
    @chloe_chia Hi Chloe, interesting idea. I think users will have fear that you will spam them. Maybe you can put that this isn't spam but money savings right on the top of your web page so they don't leave before scrolling down. Maybe you can also help me with some feedback on my upcoming project Debt Lift, let me know what you think: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Hey hey, I'm working on a remote job search app for impact sectors (sustainability, climate change, EdTech etc). It's probably best to focus on a single vertical to start so I wanted to understand which kinds of skills and industries people on product hunt Would be most interested in. Please let me know and if you're interested please signup to our prelaunch page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Stevie J Huh
    Give feedback on my product and I'll do the same for yours! https://www.producthunt.com/upco... PARTYMODE 🎉 is the simplest way to build and send workouts to your friends and athletes. Build and follow workouts with your peers remotely. See their progress, roast each other, and hold each other accountable. -- We built this product to help you workout with your friends remotely and asynchronously, which is coincidentally more important now than ever. You can send workouts + programs to your friends (or if you're a professional trainer send them to your clients) and see how everyone did and keep up to date. After being coached by a friend remotely + asynchronously, I was surprisingly blown away by the results, but also incredibly frustrated at how we were using an ugly mix of Excel + Sheets + Hangouts for everything. Further, I was disappointed at the lack of robust solutions to build workouts easily and send them in a flow that focuses on being active remotely and collaboratively. We're launching super soon and yet still, the most important piece of feedback would be confirming that we're solving a problem that others have -- so please do subscribe to the upcoming page below👇 if this sounds like something you'd be interested in using. If you are interested in beta do let me know as well https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Pieces of the app in development can be found on https://health-app.netlify.app (but is not robust enough for prod yet 😳 )
    Jack Wright
    @stevie_j_huh hey Stevie, sounds like a cool idea. I think this will be most useful for professional trainers though. Just a hunch, but I see that being a bigger/ better market. Plus they seem like the market that would pay for this service. Excited to try it out all the same! Keep up the good work!
    Sebastian Tamayo
    @stevie_j_huh Hi Stevie, I like the idea. Some feedback I have on your landing page is that the background is kinda overlapping the content on top so it makes it hard to read everything. Maybe you can change it up so that it's fluid and complements the text on top. Also I don't really get why there's a video that's an hour and a half, I expected to see a 30 second explainer video. Anyways, I'd be happy to be a beta tester. Maybe you can also help be a better tester for my app Debt Lift. If you subscribe I can send you more details: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Stevie J Huh
    @jack_wright1 Thank you for the valuable feedback! Your point about the professional market is definitely something I've had my mind on for a while and whether or not I'm distracting myself by trying to gear some of the features towards the casual market. -- Am staying tuned for your updates on your app as well. Best of luck.
    Stevie J Huh
    @sebastianxtamayo LOL, I apologize about the random DJ set on the video. It was a video I had on as I was making the page and is currently a placeholder until I can put in an explainer video. Filled out your survey + subscribed (the survey is a little long tbh, and if I'm not mistaken you can't subscribe if you don't fill out the survey on ProductHunt)
    Stephen Wigginton
    @stevie_j_huh I like the idea of this, but you might want to think about targeting personal trainers(which others have said). A lot of personal trainers are either switching to fully virtual, or looking for other ways to maintain their revenue and clients, so this could be an easy way to send them workouts, and be able to track they're progress. Almost like fitocracy, but for trainers? This could be an easy way to make it a part of their businesses, which turns it into a B2B play and is easier to maintain long term revenue, vs going b2c, where users drop on and off all the time Ditto what Sebastian said about the overlapping content over the top.
    Robert Zalaudek
    Hi everyone. We're considering this landing page to attract companies wanting an easy and accessible way of providing in-person customer support via video chat, audio chat or IM. Would appreciate your feedback. Many thanks. http://unbouncepages.com/custome... For those interested in following our progress here is our upcoming page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Jack Wright
    @robert_zalaudek hey there, sounds like a useful tool. The site wasn’t loading properly on my phone, so I’m still a bit fuzzy in the details. What would you consider the key value props/ differentiators for your product compared to the competition?
    Mick Vermaat
    @robert_zalaudek The tool good be useful. I think I heard about similar products, but I cant remember. Maybe this is just the first iteration of the website, but it looks kinda out-dated (old/ pixelated pictures). The info and video on the upcoming page is more to the point.
    Robert Zalaudek
    @mick_ver Thank you very much. I appreciate it. The actual website is modern but general. This is a specific landing page focused on the support use-case.
    Brian Medley
    https://rtmpsling.com RtmpSling is a RTMP simulcast CLI tool. If you have the bandwidth, than you can simulcast to Twitch, Periscope, Youtube Live, etc. No monthly fee!! Works in Linux, macOS, and Windows. Geared towards Live streamers that don't want to pay a monthly fee for a simulcast service.
    Mars Negrette
    Anti-burnout tool for tech teams. Backed by 20 years of research, as simple as adding to Slack. https://yerbo.co/talkit.html?utm... Friends working for Cameo, Uber, LinkedIn, and others are beta testers. Out target audience are people working in tech, individual users and team leads. If you want to try it or have any question, I'm happy to help.
    Blake Burch
    @marsnegrette The landing page is super clear and resonated with me. My only note is to potentially emphasize closer to the top that the tracking is for your personal benefit and not shared with others. Because it's a Slack app, my immediate assumption was that results are shared with the workplace. I'd love to try it out, but I can't because our startup is on the free plan of Slack and maxed out at 10 apps. Any chance that this would be offered as a web-app with email reminders?
    Jack Wright
    @marsnegrette hey there, Yeah I’ll echo @blakeburch_, definitely one of the cleaner sites I’ve seen! I had the same knee jerk reaction as Blake though. I assumed your emotions are shared with the team. Is that wrong? Happy to try it out all the same!
    Mars Negrette
    @blakeburch_ Thanks for the feedback, Blake! The privacy disclosure def going to be part of the landing page update. Related to your question, I have to check with the team but email me mars @yerbo.co and I'll let you know as soon as I can.
    Mars Negrette
    @jack_wright1 Hey there, thanks for the feedback! Our designer will be super happy to ear this. Your emotions and entries are private, up to you if you decide to share it with your team or take insights from there to start conversations around the matter. Awesome you want to try it, just add it to your Slack. My email is mars @yerbo.co I'd love to chat a little bit with you.
    Jack Wright
    @yerbo Awesome, just got it! I'll give it a go and let you know. Feel free to email me directly at jack@indigo.nyc
    Ashish S
    We're working on a product https://zoomec.in Will be launching soon here
    Mick Vermaat
    @ashishs4 Nice landing page. Both the graphics and it was clear to me what the product was doing.
    Ashish S
    @mick_ver Thanks. Launching soon and see you as early subscriber
    www.teachii.com Target audience: Those who want to market their virtual class or event with the option of taking donations, completely free of charge. We're looking for what you think of our product! We need beta users to create a profile and create a class (this involves having a zoom link (or whatever platform link of your preference). Also spreading the word would to those who may find this useful would be great too :)
    Stevie J Huh
    @teachii I like the product itself and if it were *super* easy to get up + running I'd use it. However, on first impression - seems like a lot to deal with having to sign up, create a profile, class, etc. to get up and running. Perhaps, the general flow needs to be a little tweaked. Hit my product with some feedback if this was helpful!
    Bill Dinh
    @teachii Oh wow, so you help teachers create their own lessons and people can pay for them?