3 SaaS Email Templates to generate more conversions

Luca Micheli
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Sending the right email at the right time to the right customer is what makes the difference. First of all, you need to spot the timing of when your customers need your conversational bumps the most. Once you have identified the right time, it's time to send an email to bring them back on the platform. We have collected the best 3 email templates to help you get more conversions for each key stage of your customer journey: onboarding, trial ends, and followup with content. 1. Get Started: Use this template to welcome your new users with three simple steps to follow and remind them they can always contact customer support. Ideally, one of your customer success teammates can send this with a Workflow https://www.customerly.io/templa... 2. Trial Extended: When a Free trial has ended, but the user didn't upgrade yet, it's time to ask for an extension. Sometimes there is no enough time to test your SaaS, so you might want to extend it for your customers. https://www.customerly.io/templa... 3. New Blog post: Content is a great way to help your contacts convert them into customers. Use this template to suggest articles related to something your customer needs. https://www.customerly.io/templa... These are just a few email templates for SaaS, if you want to get more, check them out here https://www.customerly.io/templa...
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