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  • 3 things that I learned (or rather confirmed) thanks to this platform

    I've been on this platform for over 650 days (it's still nothing compared to its existence), but there are 3 things I've noticed: 1️⃣ Don't rely on Product Hunt This is a bit controversial but well thought out. 😃 I can see how some are frustrated that they are not in the "featured" section. I understand. It will take a lot of time to prepare and it is not a pleasant situation, but take it as you do not own this channel. That's why I usually invite you to connect on socials or to connect by email because we don't own servers and you never know what may occur. (you can subscribe to my newsletter – not because I need to weekly write you but because of this case predominantly) 2️⃣ The most genuine feedback happens outside of PH There are many bullet points in the discussions and comments that can help makers. However, I noticed that deeper feedback (at least in my case) happened outside of this platform. Mostly on LinkedIn or Twitter. 3️⃣ Follower count does(n't) matter There are many bigger accounts than mine but when you are not active there, people will not remember you because you are missing chances to meet with their attention. When you remind yourself of people persistently, they are more likely to remember you and connect with you. What discoveries did you make while being on Product Hunt? ---------- P.S.: I am leaving my newsletter in comments for connecting (see point 1).


    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    Right Nika, I'll add "There should be a direct message option here."
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I think we would be spammed for upvotes :D @hamza_afzal_butt
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    @busmark_w_nika We are already getting spammed on LinkedIn😅
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Time to connect with me via mail: https://businessandmarketing.sub...
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Well put Nika. I agree to this 100%.
    Derek Liu
    I’ve searched and read comments about Product Hunt (PH) these days, and I couldn’t agree more. Here are my findings: 1. Hunter ≠ Maker: In the early days, PH was more about anyone posting products they found interesting, making the term "hunter" fitting since they usually weren’t the makers. As hunters gained reputation, people started inviting them to post products. Later, as more makers launched their own products, the hunter's role became awkward as PH encouraged makers to post their own products. Edit: Hunters still have their role on PH, see products that i liked on product hunt this week by @rohanrecommends 2. Home Page ≠ Launches Tab: The home page shows random products in the first 4 hours, while the Launches Tab just hides the votes. 3. Featured Products ≠ Product of the Day: Featured products are shown by default on both the Home and Launches pages. You need to click "All" to see all products launched on that day. The criteria for getting featured is unclear. Product of the Day means the first 5 products of that day. The same logic applies to Product of the Week and Month. 4. Follow person ≠ Follow product: Following a person notifies you of their new posts, product launch and reviews, while following a product might notify you of the launch, it seems this might only apply to featured products though. 5. Submit Discussion Posts: Your submitted discussion post may take a few hours to appear. 6. Upvote Discussion Posts: Upvoting a discussion post won’t notify the original poster (OP). 7. Poll on PH is not helpful because you can't see the total vote count. 8. Searching on PH is poor, google may give your better results. 9. Comment on PH could be as long as this one :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @derek_liu_dev 7. Also, I would welcome (as a creator of the poll to see the count) because stats could serve for another post :)
    Boris Markarian
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Definitely agree with you, Nika! Anyway it's a good platform to make your first move. You know, when you have a "product of the day" badge, it's like having a diploma with honors. Nobody gives a 💩 about your diploma, but when you say it's "with honors", people are like "Yeah, I still don't care, but it's pretty cool🧐" Actually, I'm just joking, It's really helpful to have a "product of the day" badge if you want to have new client, they trust you more.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @boris_moris44 I have 2 university diplomas and no one said it is cool :( :DDD but I know what you think :D Have you happened to you that people wanted your product because of the badge?
    Boris Markarian
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    @busmark_w_nika I WILL NIKA, I will - It's really cool that you paid so much attention to your education as I do. We will see the results on long distance, so don't worry about it! I mean not like "wanted", but this badge it's like social approve, like good advertising. And what about you?
    Andreea S.
    I completely agree with you @busmark_w_nika
    Udaya Sri
    I totally agree with you and everyone else here. These are some truths we just need to accept and deal with.
    Kashif Nasir
    I like This Post And Want To Learn The https://instaup-apk.com
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    Great Insights for those who are starting and investing time in PH as me. Thanks a lot @busmark_w_nika
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Rahul Parmar
    Great insights! I’ve learned that genuine feedback often comes from outside the platform, not to rely solely on Product Hunt, and that consistent engagement is key, regardless of follower count.
    Luka Brzin
    Great points Nika. Couldn't have put it together more clearly.
    Totally agree with this list. It also took me a much longer time than I'd like to admit to realize that many of the threads and commenters I'm interacting with are... *whispers* bots.
    Nathan Covey
    Great insights. Thanks Nika!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nathancovey haha, social media managers should be. (but do not have a look at my personal messages :D )
    Alex Montas
    Nika, do you use product hunt strictly to promote your product or community?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @videofusionio I just only build community – rarely promote their products. :) If someone wants to be promoted, I have sponsored newsletter or YouTube for that :)
    Milli Sen
    Definitely. I find it odd that some founders on PH don't link their social media in their profile. or profiles that don't exist. They're missing out on connecting with others, big time!
    Thank you so much for sharing!
    Umer Ronaldo
    Thanks to this platform, I've confirmed three key insights: the importance of staying updated with the latest tech trends, the value of thorough research in decision-making, and how personalized information can enhance problem-solving and learning.
    Asher Dorian Thorne
    1. Feedback is a gift, not everyone will give it to you straight! 2. Talking to customers is key, they'll tell you what they really think. 3. Gotta stay humble and keep learning, no matter how much you think you know!
    Michael Anthony Roberts
    1. Promoting your product like crazy works! 2. Being genuine matters more than anything else. 3. Lots of awesome folks here who want to support each other's projects! Keep at it y'all, we got this 💪
    Nicholas Ryan Carter
    1. AI is a tool to augment human work, not replace it. 2. There are so many talented makers here with great ideas. 3. Meaningful discussions on PH lead to valuable insights and connections - appreciate this community!