Need your feedback

Yann Bigor
6 replies
Hey Makers! 😎 I had the idea of a platform providing trip suggestions based on your tastes and previous trips. So, yesterday, I launched my first Typeform to try to understand if there is a market. It would have been really cool if you could fill the form so I can start shaping my product. πŸš€ I need you guys/girls! Thank you πŸ˜‰


Matthew Johnson
Startup-Investor Fit
Hi - I didn't finish the survey because none of the choices for how I decided where to go applied to me. Would suggest an other option πŸ‘
Yann Bigor
@mattcrail thank you! Any suggestion of what I should propose?
Matthew Johnson
Startup-Investor Fit
@yannbigor1 I generally pick where I go next after some research online, or someone recommends somewhere
Yann Bigor
@mattcrail I didn’t think of that, thanks πŸ˜‰