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  • 5 Why’s to Craft Purpose in Content Marketing 💡

    Gordana Laskovic
    4 replies
    Ever wondered how to transform a tactical idea into a larger purpose? 🧠 Let's take the "curate news" idea and ask "why" 5 times to understand the true purpose behind it and how it fits into our larger narrative. 💡 For instance: Using a blog to carefully gather industry news, all to establish ourselves as thought leaders in a strategic way. Here are 5 why: ❓ Why curate news to be thought leaders? ✔ Because it shows we're tuned into our industry, offering a unique perspective. ❓Why does it matter that customers see our industry insights? ✔Builds trust. Our audience values informed opinions. ❓Why is trust crucial for customers and prospects? ✔Rapid industry changes demand a reliable guide. ❓Why do they need a guide in this fast-paced environment? ✔Amidst their busy schedules, a trusted partner keeps them informed. ❓Why is being informed crucial to customer success? ✔Informed clients are competitive and, ultimately, more successful. In just 5 "whys," we've shifted from a blog focused on "positioning us as thought leaders" to a blog platform designed to empower our customers for heightened competitiveness and success. Now, if you read the answers in reverse, you've got a compelling "why" to inspire both you and your team. Stay informed, because, you know, it's apparently the key to everything! 🤷‍♂️


    Marian Buckner
    Crafting purpose in content marketing is essential for five key reasons. Firstly, it helps define your brand's identity and values, connecting with your audience on a deeper level. Secondly, it provides direction, ensuring your content aligns with your goals. Thirdly, purpose-driven content fosters trust and loyalty. Fourthly, it sets you apart from competitors. Lastly, it can lead to positive social and environmental impacts, contributing to a better world.
    This is gold Gordana 👸