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  • Do restaurant owners want their own click&collect mobile app?

    3 replies
    Our new project is to make a platform where restaurants can make their own click&collect apps in three simple steps (login, upload your logo, pictures, prices with descriptions and publish your own native mobile app). The idea is that restaurants are hurting due to Covid-19 and third party deliveries like Ubereats, deliveroo and similar are taking too much from their margins (up to 30%) which is additionally killing their business. With our apps, they can build their own customer base and communicate directly to their customers through push notifications as well as receive direct orders and not be dependant on any one.


    Lana Anderson Lagow
    I would love to schedule a call to discuss a possible integration to your platform that could extremely beneficial. Thank you! Lana Lagow - 214-500-1340
    Sergio Mattei
    Hey. I don't usually reply to threads here - I tend to lurk - but if you're attempting to do customer discovery, this isn't it fam. This isn't the place - are you selling to restaurant owners? Talk to restaurant owners! People on PH are nowhere near your target audience, and quite frankly any results you get from here should be discarded as they are misleading. Another issue? The poll is severely biased towards the results you want. Word the poll differently without including the biases you feel are correct. A "Yes" or "No" would suffice. I take issue with founders attempting to do customer discovery on founder-centric platforms like here and my own - Makerlog - hence I try to educate others to not fall into this trap. Suggested reading: The Mom Test, a great book on this topic. Cheers and good luck on your project.
    Lana Anderson Lagow
    I would love to schedule a call to discuss a possible integration to your platform that could extremely beneficial. Thank you! Lana Lagow - 214-500-1340