Your experience with Nocode?

Catherine Crandall
0 replies
Nocode is looks really interesting to me and I'm wondering if anyone here has had an experience with it, particularly @wearenocode. I'm non-technical with a concept I've been working on, had recruited a technical co-founder last fall. In January we were accepted into an Industry founder cohort - the day before its 3-day kickoff he informed me that he was quitting. We had already worked together for 90 days and I'd given him a lot of my IP and some of the screen design - he refused to meet with me to discuss the matter. After some investigation I learned that he wanted to steall my idea. He'd paid someone to create a logo and had a competing site live. See?!Ak8_mGXlfQFkhPIZYvjgLYZcTPkmCQ?e=KB5ubi Coronavirus was making news within days here in Seattle, so I decided to drop it, hunker down and take care of myself / family and work on other things while I cooled off. I recognize the value of being a team and the many benefits that a technical partner can provide, but at this stage I'm thinking that nocode will allow me to put out a testable product MVP. Maybe it will even position me better for my next partnership. If you have any experience with this you, esp about @wearenocode to share, I'd sure appreciate it!
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