Is it ok to launch first product and 2-3 weeks after another one in Product Hunt?
Garri Gabrelian 👾
9 replies
We got our Main App Moni – portfolio tracker for crypto, DeFi .
And another one Moni Talks – daily newsletter with the hottest takes from crypto industry .
Jacqueline von Tesmar@jacqvon
Product Hunt
You can post a completely different product after a few weeks, but you don't want to post the same product again after the launch. We recommend that there is at least 6 months between each launch of a product. This give the team time to build out a major feature or update to showcase during the launch. That is what gets the community excited!
Moni Alpha Report
WP Umbrella
I'd say it depends if your products are related or not!
Explore Shopify Stores by Shopgram
I suggest placing at least 1 month between them, as you will get more familiar with both PH and its ecosystem
If you aim to be product of the month, I guess you have to wait at least a month before launching another one product. You might focus audience attention on the latest product, and not the first one as well (but I can be wrong!!!)