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  • I just got a rejection email from YC with no feedback and I am totally disappointed & heart broken!

    Bishal Saha
    18 replies
    I just got a rejection email from YC with no feedback and I am totally disappointed & heart broken! Even after getting certified from YC Startup School ,Working with so many people I feel they actually don't care about you and it's only about money making. I don't know what I should do?


    Kirill Kamanin
    It’s okay:) we tried a lot of times (2) but someone said that it is good that they didn’t grab you cos they look at your vitality and desire to continue :) so don’t panic and try out others ;)
    Junior Owolabi
    In several YC youtube videos, YC staff state those like yourself should attempt to make some traction then reapply to be in the next batch. Have you validated the problem yet? What is your buyer persona? (from my perspective it would benefit those with injuries or disabilities or those working on multiple screens) Speaking to your target customers, get them to spread the word about your product. e.g go to discussion sites (your target audience visit) pose the problem you are attempting to solving: Do you experiment with any problems using your browser? (if yes, could you elaborate?) how often do you experience to problem? what workarounds do you use? (in my case, I use the built-in mobile ai assistants) I would advise altering your landing page, consider things from a potential customer's perspective https://www.lapa.ninja/category/... Check what competitors are doing? Google Assistant, Cortana, Siri and other niche ai assistants. Maybe focus of a niche underserved area, check review sites for advantages and disadvantages of using on competitor sites. Remember, don't assume there is a need, know it (via customer interview). When YC see to you have existing paying customers, they will jump at the potential.
    Tarek Dajani
    Just be persistent, also I guess if your mindset is fixed towards just making a good product, regardless of funding, I think that could make you feel more ease.
    Mohamed Mezian
    This is why you should focus on your product instead of the investors
    Ana Bibikova
    Wizen Guides
    Wizen Guides
    Are you upset because you didn't get in or because they didn't personalise the rejection? If this is about not getting in I wouldn't be discouraged. Granted they are good, but perhaps they're just not the right fit for you. There're are many accels out there. Try Techstars, or better Google-run accels - they seam more like your cup of tea. If this is about impersonal attitude, I guess it's not a big surprise. You can't run a corporation with so many workflows and have time to be personal. On the other hand, why don't you apply next year with a product that will help YC with making their communication more personal and less neglectful ? :)
    Bishal Saha
    @anab I am just really upset & having a mental breakdown! I can't think or feel this, I just want to tell them that not only IITians from India are eligible (IITians are students from IIT, the biggest government funded University of India) Some stupid ideas go through and I don't want to name them, but they did and failed still I can't. I am applying for 4 years.
    Brandon Kindred
    You can't take it personally. Tens of thousands of companies apply to YC, over a thousand get calls, and just over a hundred get invited to be part of a batch. It's not that they don't care, they just don't have the resources to give feedback to the tens of thousands of startups that apply. Don't get it twisted though, for YC it is 100% about making money. Their core thesis is that by being great to founders and providing a cross pollinated network of startups that they'll outperform the average VC. My best advice, is that nothing changes. They didn't let you in, so you aren't going to be on their track to rapid fundraising. Just keep building your business and apply next batch if they are still a fit for what your company needs
    Jasper Ruijs
    Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
    Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
    Just because YC rejects you doesn't mean that your business idea is bad. It's just that they don't see huge growth potential. VC and incubators passed many great companies. Multiple investment firms rejected Betfair until Richard Kock decided to go all-in. Sequoia invested in the accommodations marketplace Airbnb but passed on the ride-sharing company Uber. You only need to persuade one to fund your dream. Either you keep trying to find money or learn the skills you need to do it yourself. You can build any platform with no code applications like Bubble https://bubble.io/, Webflow https://webflow.com/, and Appery https://appery.io/.
    Bishal Saha
    @jas801 I can code! I know all the things I need to know and if I don't I learn it from the basics. It's not about knowledge it's about how they judge.
    Jasper Ruijs
    Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
    Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
    @bishalsaha Every founder thinks his or her idea is amazing. But you can feel entitled to receive the investment of the venture capitalists. If you put the same amount of grit in this message as in your business. I can assure you will prove Y combinator wrong. If you do it, plz make an TED talk about, how venture capitalists are biased towards certain metrics, like traction and growth rate.
    Bishal Saha
    @bishalsaha @jas801 Years back I read something called "The Matrix" in Hiddenwiki and I still remember there was a line " when an organisation gets to big, the goal and aim of solving problems shifts to just raising more money" it still applies here. They are judging the idea and not the founders, it's not always about the Product because if it was only about product Nike is fucking selling shoes and still it's valuation is $34 billion. Things need to change