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  • Need some tips on launching the first project

    Hoang Vo
    2 replies
    For the last 4-5 months, I have been solo-working hard on this one project that is free for everyone. I always intended to launch it so much earlier but kept holding back because I was afraid of facing the fact that a long-term effort would become a failure. I believe the word that go around in the programmer community is "imposter syndrome". Either way, I'd like to know your secrets on launching a successful Product Hunt. More importantly, I'd like to listen to how you can overcome that anxiety of "not being good enough".


    Kaloyan Dobrev
    For a software engineer the product will be never perfect, but you should know that even the product is not on the level that imagine it, it may be still useful for the people that is indented for. Now days everything is compared to the giants corporations like facebook, but people forget that behind them there is a team of hundreds of people that develop it. So that is for your anxiety - just say f**k it and do it. (Just like Nike). It is better to know that have wasted 4 months that 4 years for something that nobody will use. For successful Product Hunt - my opinion - create community before launching so on the day of the launch they will give a hand in promoting it. It is good if you use gif for your image at Product Hunt - that way you will grab the attention of the user that scrolls the list of new products. Be truthful to yourself and you will be happy.