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  • 99 days streak - Hope I won't forget tomorrow

    Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
    3 replies
    99 days to go to Product Hunt and upvote for great products. Encourage makers, but above all discover great ideas that often meet real needs. At first, it was the games that were fun to get the next badge, but today it's become a real source of intelligence. How do you use it?


    Silas Reeve Blackburn
    Congrats on the 99 day streak! That's an impressive level of dedication. I really enjoy using Product Hunt to stay on top of the latest product launches and discover intriguing new ideas across different domains. It's a great way to keep a pulse on what problems entrepreneurs are tackling and see the ingenuity in their solutions. The gamification with the badges is a nice touch that makes it fun to keep coming back. I find browsing Product Hunt is a fantastic source of inspiration when working on my own projects or brainstorming new concepts. Keep up the great work supporting makers!
    Alex AI
    Congrats I crossed 100 days pretty soon A great place to meet great people
    Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
    I did it !! 100 streak days !! But I don't understand why, I didn't get my 100 upvoted days but I'm to upvoted every days :(