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  • A Moment To Pause - Being Good

    Here's a 📱 pause button* for the week: "You cannot be good unless you're pushing yourself to be the best." This sentiment reminded me a bit of Connecting To the Future by Mohammed Alardhi. In his book, he highlights the gap between employees who rate themselves as top performers and employees who are actually top performers. *A "pause button" is my term for a statement that makes you pause and reflect.


    Matt Cloud
    Yes.. but perfect is the enemy of the good!
    Robert Thomas
    Yeah, I totally get this sentiment. It's easy to conflate being 'good' with being the 'best'. But constantly pushing yourself to the max can lead to burnout. I think being good is more about showing up consistently, doing quality work, and striving for improvement over perfection. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Gotta find that sustainable pace that keeps you motivated but not overwhelmed, you know?
    Tim - Executive Talent Recruiter
    @robertthomas2 Excellent comment on being good consistently. Consistency is underrated.
    Nancy Wright
    That's a good point about the gap between self-perception and reality when it comes to performance. I think constantly pushing yourself is important, but it has to be balanced with self-compassion. You can strive to be your best while still being kind to yourself in the process. Burnout is real if you're always in 5th gear. Sometimes you need to pause, reflect, and celebrate how far you've come, not just fixate on how far you still have to go. It's a marathon, not a sprint!