A "whole new era" in programming has begun 🤖. GitHub released copilot chat just 2 weeks ago

André J
6 replies
If used right. It will 10X everything you code...and this is just the beginning. The problem now is to find big enough problems to solve. Here is how I use it: https://gist.github.com/eonist/2... ![https://i.imgur.com/zr8l0bO.png]...


André J
Launching soon!
Are you "prompt coding" yet? Curious to hear how you are using it? What's your favourite code prompts?
I just downloaded Cursor this weekend, I'm really impressed with it, adding AI directly into your IDE makes a huge difference
André J
Launching soon!
@william_mathews1 I use both Cursor and Copilot Chat. If someone took any of them away. My world would end right now. 😂
I think it has the potential to revolutionize the way we code, and I'm eager to see how developers use it to create new and innovative solutions.
Pratik Shelar
Used the chat feature its not there yet. I still like the responses from GPT 4
André J
Launching soon!
@pratik_shelar87 It is. I had to enable it on my GitHub organization. $19 a month. You have to active it. I couldn't get it to work on my normal user GitHub account. But supposedly that is now open too. Add instructions how to active copilot chat here: https://gist.github.com/eonist/1...