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  • Advice about hiring engineers (individually or as a team)?

    Mark Gilbert
    3 replies
    Hi all! I need a team of 4-5 engineers for the project. Would you recommend spending time screening and selecting each candidate individually, or hiring a team from a service provider within 2-3 days? Why?


    Hi Mark. It depends, I think. Hiring a team is good as they already worked together and know each other skills, etc so can plan their activities and assignments efficiently. For newly set team you should consider reserving some time for their onboarding and knowing each other from skills perspective. But at the same time from the other side having distributed team can be less risky - in case one provider appears to be not a good one, you will not loose all the team at once I have an experience of setting dev teams, if you share some more details (do you have CTO, dev plan, PM and process set, etc?), maybe I can give you more relevant advice :)
    Solomiia Kots
    Hello Mark! Hiring a team of developers can offer several advantages, including: 1. Speed: Hiring a team of developers can help to expedite the recruitment process. Rather than having to screen, interview, and negotiate with individual candidates, you can bring on an entire team that has already been pre-selected and vetted for compatibility. 2. Diverse Skill Sets: When hiring a team of developers, you can assemble a group of individuals with a range of skill sets and expertise. This can help ensure that you have the necessary talent to tackle any project or challenge that comes your way. 3. Collaborative Environment: A team of developers is inherently collaborative, allowing individuals to bounce ideas off one another and work together to solve problems. This can result in a more innovative and efficient development process. 4. Reduced Risk: By hiring a team of developers, you reduce the risk of one or more team members leaving the project mid-way. This can help ensure continuity and stability in your development efforts. 5. Cost-Effective: Hiring a team of developers can often be more cost effective than hiring individual developers. You can negotiate a more favorable rate for a team, rather than having to negotiate rates with multiple individuals. 6. Better Communication: When hiring a team of developers, you can ensure that team members have experience working together and are comfortable communicating with one another. This can help to facilitate better communication and coordination during the development process. Overall, hiring a team of developers can offer a range of benefits that can help to streamline the development process, increase efficiency, and reduce risk. We at Mirko Solutions provide such a service and can allocate the team of developers with the needed skills and expertise according to your project peculiarities. Feel free to contact me in LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/solo... or email: solomiia.kots@mirko.in.ua Let's build your project!
    Jessica Jones
    Hello everyone, Are you tired of spending hours screening irrelevant resumes, interviewing unsuitable candidates, and motivating engineers to start your project? I work in the health sector and we needed a dedicated software team, so we turned to Altoros. Guys provide well-equipped and ready-to-go engineering teams, so you can focus on what really matters – your project. We were satisfied :) Want to learn more? Visit their website or schedule a call to discuss further. https://www.altoroslabs.com/resu...