aiwizard is launching on Product Hunt today. AMA
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I first heard about Product Hunt in 2015, back when I had very little coding experience and couldn't build anything. I thought it was a cool site, hoping to one day be able to launch products I've coded myself.
Today, aiwizard, is launching on PH!
Aiwizard helps you find the coolest new AI tools & shows you how to use them.
What sets us apart from thousands of other AI tool directories? Instead of just publishing thousands of AI tools with only the name and a GPT generated description, we actually take the time to manually test every tool we list on aiwizard.
We create a detailed review & step by step instructions with images for each step. Basically, you can kind of test-drive AI tools, before signing up / buying them.
All feedback & questions welcome!
If you'd like to, please support our launch:
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