Any marketing strategies that worked for you?

27 replies
Hi makers! Our team is getting ready to market SlashPage more actively and we need your advice. What marketing strategies have worked best for your products / product launches? Any specific channels or tactics that gave you the best ROI? Any tips and advice are welcome!


CY Zhou
Focusing on building genuine relationships with our audience and leveraging user-generated content has significantly boosted our engagement. Additionally, running targeted social media ads helped us reach the right customers effectively.
Michael Pell
Real Mock Interviews
Hire a marketer so I can focus on the product building Testing different channels atm, but so far LinkedIn has proved rather efficient for my product
Iris Matt
implementing a chatbot on our website improved customer interaction and engagement.
Gurkaran Singh
I've found that utilizing targeted social media ads is like aiming for the bullseye in darts - when you hit the right audience, you score big! 🎯 Plus, it's cost-effective and fun to track results. Give it a shot! πŸš€
By the way, I'm always open to connecting with fellow makers on Product Hunt. Let's connect!
NJ Robb
It really depends on what your product is and your objectives. If for slash page it may be worth speaking to micro influencers like @janism, 1) listing on his directory 2) seeing if you can get on their newsletter, 3) getting them to write or create content about it. For PH and return on time: One of the key things we have heard people who have reached Top 5 say is a social channel you know or are prepared to invest time with. Ask people to check out your product and if they like it to give you feedback and signup for your teaser.
Ill Robyn
hosting webinars and live demos significantly boosted our engagement
Savannah Morris
partnering with complementary brands for co-marketing efforts worked well for us.
Nick Willstrop
Running limited-time promotions and discounts generated a lot of buzz.
Jordan bulk
Collaborating with YouTube content creators for reviews and mentions paid off.
Tracey glen
Running thematic marketing campaigns during holidays and special events was effective.
Tracey glen
focusing on creating a seamless onboarding experience helped retain users.
Shemtov Yogi
Running joint ventures with influencers in our niche gave us excellent reach.
Haris Morris
Leveraging social media influencers in our niche helped boost brand awareness significantly.
Haris Morris
social media contest and giveaways significantly increased our visibility
Haris Morris
Engaging with our audience through interactive content like polls and quizzes was very effective.
Haris Morris
Partnering with SaaS review sites and directories boosted our credibility.
Haris Morris
utilizing Reddit AMAs for product launches generated a lot of interest.
Julia Watson
"focusing on SEO and content marketing has been highly effective.
Julia Watson
Hosting virtual events and meetups helped us connect with potential users.