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  • App Finder just got better with version 1.1 - Our plans for 2024 - AMA

    Konrad S.
    0 replies
    App Finder is a comprehensive and innovative advanced search engine for Android apps and games, soon for iOS also. The objective is to make the apps and games optimally discoverable, for the benefit of both users and developers. App Finder's main advantages are * Comprehensive filters and sort options * Advanced keyword search with special operators * A highly informative result list with summaries and scrollable and scalable screenshots For details see https://skyica.com/appfinder/features/ What people are saying: https://skyica.com/appfinder/testimonials/ It was first launched on PH on Oct 30: https://www.producthunt.com/products/app-finder#app-finder Since then, we made some important improvements to the filters, sort options, and result list, which are now tentatively concluded. Our further plans for 2024 include: * Significant improvements to the keyword search (e.g. automatic inclusion of synonyms, phrase recognition, autocomplete) * Support for many other languages * A web interface * Indexing of alternative Android app stores like F-Droid * Indexing of iOS apps * AI-based natural-language search There will be PH launches for the milestones. Please follow if you're interested. Also, we'll start a crowdfunding campaign very soon. I'm the developer of App Finder and founder of Skyica LLC. Ask me anything. I'd also love to hear your thoughts on this!
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