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  • Are there PH versions in your country?

    Maicon | side.tech
    3 replies
    I'm from Brazil, so I don't know if there is one here. Just some tools like G2 and Capterra. Would it be a good idea to create one? Does your country have PH versions? Whats is the name/url and country?


    Not seen any local ones to be honest
    Bruno Augusto
    Here in Portugal we don't have I think could be a great idea maybe with a bigger tam for example Europe. I'm on LinkedIn if you want help for this, other project or just chat. Abraço
    Fernando Cordeiro
    Arguably G2 and Capterra serve a different market than Product Hunt, but nevertheless. I think the answer depends on the pain you believe PH to be solving. If that pain is the itch to always be in the know for the latest products, then I would argue it would be a bad idea: that audience of early adopters would prefer to access PH directly. However, if you believe there is an untapped pain that could be solved by a local product, then it would be a different story. The best way of knowing for sure is to create a small newsletter and test it out!