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  • Are you a Founder? Who wants branding? But has no budget? Boy, do I have something for you!

    Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
    6 replies
    A 2-step strategy ------------- ☀️ Step 1 ☀️ POST. ------------- What to Post - News - Client stories - Hiring Updates: open jobs and new team members - Product Updates: Share new features and tips & tricks - Company Milestones: funding rounds and user growth - Ask for Feedback: find what people think about your product How to get to the next level - Polls  - Quick Tips - Sneak Peeks  - Failure Stories - Share your Favorites  - Ask-Me-Anything Sessions ------------- ☀️ Step 2 ☀️ ENGAGE. Reply, react, and start conversations.  Comment on other founders' posts.  Be part of the community. ------------- 🟡 Like this? You've got great taste, my friend. Repost it to your network; your followers are gonna love it! The algo's an enigma so you probably won't see this account again, so don't forget to follow me, Adrian M. Peticila 🟡 for daily branding lore.


    Gurkaran Singh
    Oh, the joy of being a founder with a passion for branding and a budget of zero! Remember, engaging with the community is like networking at a virtual cocktail party - just with less spillage and more insightful conversations. Let's make those interactions sparkle! 🚀✨
    Emily Willis
    Thanks! A great list there 🙏🏼
    Adrian Taropa
    That's an awesome list! I think the toughest part is getting started.
    CY Zhou
    That's fantastic, Adrian! I'd love to hear more about your solution for founders with no budget.
    David Popescu
    Bringing back the "Marketing" in "Organic Marketing" I see. But this is really great advice, well done! 👏
    love it. it's so simple yet so effective. however it is a lot of work in the end, and most will drop after a couple days.