@w_j Sure, the core of my first question can be from the start observed as private! :) It is upon boundaries and view corners that an entity sets up with own will and rules.. :) I didn't see the rule of this section that it's forbidden... I am strongly standing behind the fact that if people would share more 'private' things - whereby I refer to honest thoughts, opinions, and feelings - it would be less confusion and loneliness. This implies a better vibe, more positivity, and increased efficiency in both private and business acts. Relation of any problem, or even just a blister, to the similar ones - brings a precise detection, and by skipping the part of putting guilt on own self - faster realization of a solution.. ^_^ So thanks for honest share, I appreciate it! ^_^
@w_j I can relate >.< Then if you get into communication - it's never ending schedule, and if you ignore - you have this pressure of leaving something for the next day.. :// I would put in this ''worst parts section'' meetings before a morning coffee.. XDD
@fares_aktouf I agree, I would like to follow that shifting structure! Even tho I must say I know some companies that have shifts, and people there complain ''as soon we get used on one system - we must start adopting another'' :D
@maria_brm Yes, change is hard. but if the active population was put in two time slots, including civil servants administrations banks university etc... that would be more fun: D we could even shorten the working day.
@twocheeseburgers Bless! *__* I guess it's something I must practice better, even if I succeed to go to sleep earlier - I feel like in slow motion in the morning :'D
I have night sleep issues and try to treat them now. Also, I have mighty difficulties waking up before midday. But my work requires waking up and working early. Maybe someone has life hacks on early rising? :)
@julia_shandrokha Thanks for the answer Julia! ^_^ I had the end of your answer in my head while I was reading the beginning of it! XDD So I agree - all life hacks on this topic are very welcome! :DD I have fixed a bit of sleeping issues by using herbal teas (suggested), but still, dunno how to increase morning productivity :DD
I am a night owl majorly but it also depends upon the kind of task I have to complete.
If it requires my mind to be accurate and active, I prefer undertaking such a task in the morning (just after my morning coffee)
But if the task involves a lot of deep contemplation and brain storming, night time is the best for it!
@vanshika_chaturvedi Exactly! Activation in the morning is possible also in my case, after coffee ofc :DD But any execution is more effective when the Sun goes down :DD Thanks for the answer Vanshika! ^_^
Used to be an early bird, but as time progressed with startups, it's so much easier to to get work done and burn the midnight oil ;)
Showing that you are extremely serious and passionate to get things done, is a way to lead a whole team!!! Confidence is courageous!
@maxwellcdavis I totally understand! :D Thanks for the answer Maxwell! It is actually great that kids force you on let's say healthier way of living :D This reminds me of my granny on who we had the opposite effect XD She was making pies during nights while we sleeping because we were restless kids XD
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