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  • Are you a self-motivated person, or do you procrastinate?

    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    54 replies
    Personally, I perform better under deadlines; therefore, I learned how to deal with them professionally by using procrastination to my advantage and transferring this system to my life. πŸ˜…


    Samar Ali
    Launching soon!
    I am definitely a self-motivated person. I have always been the type of person who likes to be in control of my own destiny, and I find that the best way to stay on track is by being proactive and staying focused on my goals. There will always be times when we feel like procrastinating, but if you are truly passionate about what you're doing, then it's important to push through those moments and stay the course. And remember, Rome wasn't built in a day – it takes time and patience to achieve great things. So don't get discouraged; just keep your head down and put in the work. It'll be worth it in the end.
    Satish Kumar Veluri
    I'm better off with deadlines too, they keep me checked.
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    @satish_kumar_veluri Yeah, absouletly! Same goes for me. πŸ˜…
    Edun Kerry
    I'm usually a self motivated person but when i see myself procrastinating i know it's anxiety setting in i like throwing myself into the deep end setting deadlines or putting something online that forces me into an uncomfortable spot where i have to figure something out a usual sink or swim scenario because the cure to anxiety is action for me
    Self-motivated πŸ’ͺ when you find your passion that will drive you forever!
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    @baselog happy for you!! it's motivating for me, thank you.πŸ’›
    Kate Dalessi
    @baselog only as long as it brings positive results that can be measured and preferably eaten:) No passion will survive long without monetary reinforcement
    Anastasiia K
    I do procrastinate and do self-motivate :) As I see it, procrastination is about conscious delaying of tasks performance and actively choosing something else to do, apart from the given task. But, frankly saying, I try to procrastinate within the deadlines scope - so personal or given deadlines help to get things done.
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    @anastasiiahere Yeah, I guess, I'm somewhere in the middle of both.😁 If you want to find out how I overcome procrastination, you can check out our blog. I'd be happy to hear your thoughts about it. https://www.usebeforesunset.com/...
    Steven Birchall
    Self-motivated majority of the time, some projects thought require a deadline for them to be given the priority they deserve.
    Daniel Engels
    Don't see a contradiction here: one can be a self-motivated person but still procrastinate! (And I am a fine example of that).
    Chris Whirrett
    I do procrastinate and do self-motivate. But most of the time I self motivated.
    Anil Meena
    @chris_whirrett thats the key I guess if one is self motivated, they'll lesser chance or procrastinating stuff.
    Csaba Zajdo
    To get anything done, you have to be able to motivate yourself. Self-motivation is the key to becoming more successful with your time and money.
    Kate Dalessi
    These are not mutually exclusive:) Do I motivate myself? Yes. Do I procrastinate? Yes. I would say, procrastination is the way our brain doubts the necessity of the actions we want to take. It's not a bad thing, that's our subconscious talking to us to let us know we're doing something - in its opinion - lame:)
    Software Guy (Aarvy)
    I'm a mixture of both.😁
    Rich Watson
    i like to think i'm self-motivated
    Xavier Lee
    I know that I am self-motivated. I give my all to any project and am always looking ahead to the next task at hand...We are Top Rated Financial Advisors.
    Harshavardhan Reddy
    I am a self motivated person. I feel like every day is new to start fresh, think back try new approach to meet your goals. For me motivation come from new challenges.
    Angel GutiΓ©rrez Pizarro
    I'm good with consistency. Some days IΒ΄m at my 100% being super productive. Other I'm at my 50% or 30%, not super productive. But I show up every day, at that is consistency and the power of the compound effect. Don't put pressure on yourself, due to not being 100% one or two days, the most important thing is that you are showing up.
    samanta johnson
    sometimes I procrastinate but I try to motivate myself
    Ahmet Umut GΓΌnbak
    It depends on what I do. If I really want to achieve a goal deeply or if I really enjoy what I'm doing I never procrastinate
    Wayne Smallman
    Yes! Allow me to explain… I am self-motivated (I've been running a business since 99, alone most of the time), so there's that. But, there are some things I have to do (such as accounting, or anything I think is tedious) where I sometimes spend a lot of effort trying to avoid doing those things! I love what I do … until that moment when I don't.
    Daniyar Yeskaliyev
    I procrastinate a lot, but then have to do power-hours to compensate :D I hate it, but I just lose focus too quickly, and can't perform in a more stable manner - it's always a frequent change of procrastination-work during the day.