Are you a solopreneur?

Shreya Gupta
10 replies
If yes, what is the major challenge you face.


Claudia Nathan
We’re typically skilled professionals in one domain and are making the rest up as we go until we learn the ropes or bring someone on board! I’m a product manager by trade and a trash marketer by default lol
yes, lot to do on your own, product development to marketing, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming trying to juggle everything.🥱
Pablo Roig
Not alone, but small team.
Konrad S.
Yes, although I plan to change this soon. I suppose marketing is the biggest challenge for me.
Emilee Hensley
I have 3 members. And we are enjoying the way together. I am doing my master's, and sometimes I feel like I need someone who can write my paper for me, then I found this website where one can use it to save time by using their services for work. They offer writing services like assignments, essays, theses, essay writing, etc. I used their services, and I am very happy with their work.